Monday, August 3, 2009

Abah Dah Takde...

Subuh 28 July 2009. Pukul 5.51am. Abah dah takde...

27 July 2009. Lepas maghrib pegi tengok abah kat PPUM wad 12U. Abah pandang kitorang lama. Tok kata masa tu abah dah paham semuanya...kitorang rasa lega. Masa nak balik cium abah. Masa tu tak plak mulut ni janji nak datang malam esok tapi cakap pada abah nanti Anah datang jengok abah...Masa Adam cium nampak Abah pandang je Adam tapi bila Lyana cium Abah macam sebak. Selalunya bila Adam dan Lyana senyum Abah macam ceria...rupanya tu la kali terakhir...Anah sedih...Tok pesan bila teringatkan Abah sedekah Al-fatihah dan Al-ikhlas...

Tapi 2-3 hari lepas kebumikan Abah, ada mimpi Abah senyum pada Anah...dah cukup sifat Abah...kaki dah ada...InsyaAllah bila teringat Anah akan sedekah pada Abah Al-fatihah dan Al-ikhlas...Anah akan jadi harta Abah dunia akhirat...

Friday, July 10, 2009

Lyana's Mid Year Progress

Today we went to Lyana's school to collect her Report Card. She got all As except for 2 Bs for Science and Mathematics. Told her she won't be getting the computer she wanted. But I will still buy her the High School Musical purse but with condition attached - she needs to improve her science and mathematics!

She's at number 22 out of 43 in her class. And number 53 out of 167 in the whole Year 1.

I put her end of year targets
(1) All As
(2) Her place cannot be more than number 30 in the whole Year 1.

Personally I think she can achieve those targets.....hehehe

Adam Risau...

Adam risau...
The day before yesterday the whole family went to see my Abah at the hospital after maghrib. It was quite late when we decided to go home. Adam was seating at the back seat and was very quiet. Suddenly he said...

"Abah jangan la tua...."
"nanti kalau Adik tua siapa nak jaga Adik"... he sounded very sad...

Hubby and I looked at each other...Lyana giggled....
Ya Allah...what a heavy burden for Adam to think all that....

Abah Sakit...

Abah fell from bed last 25th June 2009. Just like that...fell from bed. Saturday morning we went home..not exactly morning...reached there about 2pm. Spent some time with abah and mak. Abah missed my son Adam so much...he has been talking about Adam according to my sisters. He asked my sister to keep some of the best durians he has for Adam in the fridge.

We went home to Putra Heights quite late that night because we have a wedding to attend at Bukit Aman.

Abah's condition were poor that Sunday 28th June 2009. He asked to be taken to the hospital that morning. So my brother took him to the hospital and he has been there since. Been losing alot of blood. Abah faced with a few complications it seems...losing blood - suspected with cancer. Swollen left arm -the doctor can't seem to find the cause of it. Painful back at the waist...

Since my ex-boss became my current boss again I need to watch my steps. Can't go and see Abah at the hospital since it will take almost 2-3 hours out of my working hours. It was easy during Tuan Syed Jamil's time. I only need to tell the secretary where I'll be and she knew what to do. So I took last friday 3 July 2009 off to visit Abah.

My sister called me at 3am Friday morning telling us that Abah's condition worsen and the doctor wanted to see all of us. So at 3.30am my sister and I drove to PPUM. My hubby stayed at home with the kids. Upon reaching there we were told by the others that Abah's condition has stabilised. Stayed at until after 5am.

After Friday prayer Hubby, Adam, Lyana and myself went and see Abah. Abah was shivering and started complaining about difficulty in breathing and back ache. Doctors and nurses rushed to Abah's aid and told us that Abah's last hope was the machine to help him breathing. So the machine it will be.

At home both hubby and I discussed and decided we need to do something that we knew about. Something that if we tell the rest they won't believe simply because they are "modern" and with logic thinking i believe...So I rushed and packed our things...put in the car...and at 11.30pm the 4 of us were on our way back home to Kuala Kangsar in our see our ask for help, if possible...

Reached there almost 3am. We were very tired. But I think mission accomplished....

On Sunday morning about 11am we were on our way back to Kuala Lumpur. Went straight to see Abah...nampak ok. Alhamdulillah....tak sia-sia penat...

Yesterday afternoon my sis told us that Abah has lung infection on top of everthing else. And he has asked to go back...Abah nak balik... I packed my things on my table and drove back from the office. Pickup hubby and Lyana and we went straight to see Abah. Sayu hati tapi apa nak buat kecuali berserah...sedekah fatihah dan al-ikhlas...

So now am waiting what's the next move...I've already told my sis to take Abah home...

Someone told me Abah dah kat ujung...

Friday, April 10, 2009

About Risk Assessment and Lesson Learnt...

Lets talk a bit about risk assessment and lesson learnt - my bread and butter.

Today is Friday. My friend and I agreed to go shopping at the Mid Valley at lunch time...ada la barang yang nak dicari. We decided to go out a bit early...about 12 noon. Went to the car at Level 4 parking lot. Started the engine...ehek ehek...can't seem to start. Tried again..and the alarm went off!!! HUAAA....The alarm can be heard all over the parking floor!

Panic! I called our bro QA (yang dok sibuk berdikusi dengan kitorang pasal conspiracy theory on isu semasa Malaysia...kakaka). So Bro QA came and lent us his hand. Still can't seem to start the engine. He managed to stop the alarm by disconnecting the battery cable though.

Tak boleh jadik nih! We started calling our friends for came down la all the Bros from QA, HSE, Manpower, FE and boss' driver as well to tackle my car problem (since they were on their way for Friday prayer)...hahaha. They said I was busy doing the construction risk assessment for projects that I forgot to do a risk assessment on my car! auwww kena sebijik! ahaks....please la....I just serviced the car 2 weeks ago. But maybe they overlooked on the battery since I just changed the battery not a year ago.

leceh betul la...Bro QA said this is just like a conspiracy theory against my going shopping at the Mid Valley...kahkahkah!

Did a mental risk assessment and decided to ask hubby to bring his technician friend to look in case it is more than just the battery problem ....So now I am at the office all alone since all others went out for lunch and Friday prayer...waiting for hubby to come.

Hmm....Lesson Learnt - make a list of all important parts of your car with date of install/next change. Or better yet establish, implement and maintain the service matrix table.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Another Crack By Adam...?

Last weekend, Adam showed his father the ABC book. So, father and son started reading...

Father: A .... Aeroplane ... Kapal Terbang
Adam: A ... Aeroplane
Father: B ... Balloon ... Belon
Adam: B ... Balloon
Father: C ... Cow ... Lembu
Adam: Kau la Lembu!

apo nak dikato....

Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Diet Plan - Starts 19 March 2009, Ends 3 September 2009

Hmm... My goal is to reduce weight from 75kg to 59kg in 6 month's time.
I need targets in achieving this goal which I've already laid out in previous post.
Now I need plans to achieve the targets.

The specialist said the first 2 months are the worst period. That's why I only targeted a total of 4kgs in the first 2 months.

I will eat 2 slices of wholemeal bread in the morning with plain drink.
If I feel hungry I will eat fruits dan cut vegies (most probably carrots and tomatoes)
I will have quaker oats or mushroom soup with crackers for lunch. Plain drink.
Tea for afternoon tea break.
Early dinner before 7pm - only one helping of rice with lots of vegies. Might take fruit juice - home made carrot, orange or apple juices.

So all in all, I will only try to take rice once a day, either at lunch time or dinner time.

Goal - To Reduce Weight from 75kg to 59kg

The specialist at the Sime Darby Medical Centre diagnosed me with a fatty liver. He advised me to reduce my weight from 75kg to 59kg. InsyaAllah I won't face problem with diabetic and blood pressure.

So, here are my targets in achieving the above goal.

First 4 weeks: target to reduce 2kg (75kg - 2kg = 73kg)
Second 4 weeks: target to reduce 2kg (73kg - 2kg = 71kg)
Third 4 weeks: target to reduce 3kg (71kg - 3kg = 68kg)
Fourth 4 weeks: target to reduce 3kg (68kg - 3kg = 65kg)
Fifth 4 weeks: target to reduce 3 kg (65kg - 3kg = 62kg)
Sixth 4 weeks: target to reduce 3kg (62kg - 3kg = 59kg)

So come Eid Mubarak I'll be a new person in looks! Jangan jeles! hehehe...

Hati Aku Sakit...

Hati Aku Sakit...
...Sebab boss kesayangan aku dah blah
...Dapat plak ganti boss yang aku tak suka

Hati Aku Sakit...
...Diserang orang atas bawah kiri kanan depan belakang
...Kena plak dengan orang yang dekat dengan aku

Hati Aku Sakit...
...Doktor kata hati aku banyak enzim, bacaan test darah menggerunkan
...Kena plak glucose reading 6.9 dan BP border line
...Terpaksa le followup kat SDMC

Hati Aku Sakit...
...Ultrasound hati nampak kilauan fatty liver aku
...Ada le bintik kecik kat hempedu
...Ada le plak 2 ketul haemangioma
...Siap kena buat CT scan dan GTT plak

Tapi aku rasa lega...
...Bila doktor kata darah aku ok
...Bintik kat hempedu takde beri kesan apa-apa
...Doktor cuma suruh turun berat badan
...InsyaAllah kencing manis hilang dan BP ok
...Musuh aku dan geng2nya dah tumbang
...Hati aku pun sihat

So, skang ni aku ada 2 matlamat...
...Aku akan turunkan berat badan ke 59kg from 75kg in 7 months' time if not earlier
...Aku akan practice muka sposen depan boss baru aku

Apa-apa pun...aku mengadu dan minta tolong pada Allah...ALLAH MAHA AGONG!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Boleh Lupa.....

Last weekend Hubby and I gelak besar.... apa tak nye...dalam sibuk jaga 2 orang anak dan 2 orang tua kat rumah tu ada ke boleh kitorang terlupa wedding anniversary kitorang bulan lepas! huhuhu....

Nak jugak celebrate our belated 8th wedding anniversary ujung bulan ni weh! Tapi apo nak dikato! :((

Lyana's Tooth Fairy...

Yesterday was a tiring day for me - whole day at the Sime Darby Medical Centre (previously known as SJMC) for my liver check-up. Went home at about 5pm. Lyana and Adam were at home as usual playing and making both makwan and atok pening with their loud noises. hmmm....the result of school holidays....

I was totally exhausted when I went upstairs. After my solat asar I just sat on the bed and was thinking of resting for a short while when Lyana came in and told me that one of her tooth was about to come off (goyang). So I promised that we will visit the dentist this weekend but told her if she managed to cabut the tooth on her own I'll pay her the doctor's fee (RM25). kekeke....

Suddenly we heard Adam was coming up the stairs and Lyana started to find somewhere to hide. She chosed to hide under the comforter of all places! hmmm....macam ler adik dia tu tak tau! So when Adam came predicted...he straight away guessed where the sister was :lol: He went straight to the sister and accidentaly pushed his hand at Lyana's mouth! hahaha....and guess what? Lyana's tooth came off :lol:

So, it seems that Adam is going to get the RM25 for being Lyana's tooth fairy!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dia Pandai Siket Jerrr....hehehe

Adam cracked another joke last weekend while we were in Kuala Kangsar at Tok's place. both hubby and myself tried to boost some self esteem into Adi, a Year 6 boy in primary school. We did some tests on reading and mathematics.

Me: Adi dah banyak pandai dah skang ni....
Adi has learnt a lot (more clever) now...

Hubby: ye la...tapi kena belajar rajin2 lagi...
yes, but still need to work harder....

Adi: Adi pun rasa Adi dah pandai sket dah....
I also think that I am a bit clever now...

Adam: Dia pandai siket jerr.....!! (Adam said with his cheeky smile on...)
Only a bit clever....!!

Aiseh... the way Adam put the words were like Adi should have been more cleverer than he is now....kekekeke....Luckily Adi was sporting about it!

Congratulations Mira

Mira my niece achieved 8As and 1B in her SPM result today. Alhamdulillah...May Allah bless her in whatever she wants to do to secure her future....amin.

Berbangga Tachu dengan anak buah Tachu....hehehehe

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

School for both Lyana and Adam

It was a totally new experience for both hubby and myself early this year for Lyana started her primary school while Adam entered his "serious" kindergarten.

Bought for Lyana the Princess Disney range of schoolbag, pencil box, colour pencils, tumbler, and a few others...actually mama dia ni yang lebih sebab masa kecik dulu tak dapat....hehehe.

Lyana turned out to be fine at school, both primary and kafa. But for Adam we faced a bit of a problem. He cried every morning on the way to Dzul Iman for the whole 2 months - January and February. Bought for him a bicycle...he still cried. Bought for him an ultraman kite which cost me a bomb...he still cried! Lastly last week I sent him to school, he was ok and has been ok for almost 2 weeks now...hahaha....kena mama dia jugak yang antar!

Last Thursday Adam came back from school singing some nasyid songs...Alhamdulillah...:D That night he told us what he learnt at school...with his cheeky smile on...hmmm....this was what he told us...

Takde mata tapi boleh lihat....
Takde mulut tapi boleh cakap....

at that moment both hubby and myself were trully happy coz it seemed that Adam was telling us about characteristics of Allah s.w.t....after that he continued:

Takde telinga tapi boleh dengar.... betul betul betul! we were so happy. Adam paused and then continued with his cheeky smile..

Takde idung..tapi boleh KOREK!! ya Tuhan....Adam dah kenakan both of us!!!

Note: The above joke is not meant as an insult to any religion or to anybody, but purely a joke by Adam, a 4 year old boy, who starts to love his new Islamic kindy school.

If You Want To Say Hello......

Dear friends,

If you by any chance would like to say hello or put a comment or two, please do not put it in the wishing well....the office has blocked my access to any "talk show"!....sob..sob...

Instead, please put your comments or whatever you want to say at the comment in the latest post.

I appreciate your cooperation.

aiseh...semua depa nak control....mari la kita curi2 masa buat LOs semula!! hidup kuntum!! wahahaha....

Monday, March 2, 2009

Has Been A Long Time....


It has been a long time since I last wrote in this blog of mine. Can't find the time to scrap...hehehe....

Actually I joined a few scrap projects last year but I didn't manage to find a camera at the time I finished the projects and hence I did not have anything to show you guys....hopefully in the near future I'll have something to show here.

All work and no play makes me a dull person....hmmmm.....

p/s After one whole morning of trying at last I managed to remember my blogs id and password!! :LOL: